I have been a painter in both the UK and more recently in Australia for some 32 years. I started as a hobby painter and progressed over the years to become semi-professional. Now aged 74 I still paint largely for more own pleasure, but love the challenge of a commission. I tend to paint portraits and still life subjects and greatly admire the school of photorealistic art.


I work only in oil paint, a medium that best suites my style. The flexibility of oils gives me a freedom that I cannot achieve with any other medium. I have extensively researched and experimented with the materials and techniques employed by the old masters. In portraiture I like to apply multiple layers of glaze using the sfumato technique much loved by Leonardo Da Vinci. A technique giving very subtle changes in skin tones.

Name: Robert Stevens
Address: 10 Sarah Court
Tanawha, QLD 4556
Phone: 0435955374

More About Me

I became a serious painter upon retiring nearly 20 years ago. I am largely self taught after acquiring my basic technical skills by attending the workshops of the respected painter and teacher in the UK called Mike Skidmore. In 2019 I won the prize for best amateur still life in an open international competition sponsored by The Society for All Artists based in the UK. After spending eight years commuting between the UK and Australia I was fortunate enough to settle permanently in Australia in 2021. My work reflects my time in both countries.