If you are an Artist Member of Arts Connect Inc., we will publish an online Member profile to showcase you and your work.

All you need to do is fill in the Member Profile Form, telling us information about you and your arts practice, include some photos, and we will take care of the rest.

ACI online Member's Directory

Click here to join now and get involved with our engaged, creative and dynamic Sunshine Coast arts community. We’d love to have you join Arts Connect Inc.

If you can’t see your profile in the Artist Members directory, please take a few moments to create a new profile. Have a quick read of the information below, complete the form on this page, then we will create your profile for you.

We encourage all members to keep their online profiles up-to-date. If you want up add new images, remove old images or update your story or contact details, head over to the Member Profile Form and follow the questions from there. We will update your profile for you, then send an email so you know it’s done and you can check it over.

The Information We Need From You

The more you can tell us about you and your arts practice, the better. People want to know! And we want to share the talents of our members with everyone who visits our website.

Have a read of the information below to help understand the information we want from you to publish to your online Member profile. We also recommend that you have a read through different profiles in the online Member’s directory to get a feel for the different ways people share their artist stories.

We know that writing about yourself comes easy to some people and not to others. Some people have had lots of practice, and some people are new to the practice of self-promotion. A great place to start is to ask artist friends for help. Read what other artists write. Do a Google search for “how to write an artist statement” – you may be surprised at how many online resources you’ll find.

We found this article on the Flying Arts Alliance Inc website that we think will help – How to write an artist statement.

Different arts associations offer in-person and short online courses on how to write Artist Statements. NAVA (National Association of Visual Artists) runs an annual online learning program that often includes topics around self-promotion tips and advice. Flying Arts Alliance Inc runs different in-person and online programs throughout the year. And the regional galleries have run workshops with the gallery curators in the past – keep an eye on their Facebook pages.

If you have any tips to share, please do, in the comments below. We’d love to hear, and we would love to share the wisdom and knowledge.

What Now?

If you are a new member, click through to the Member Profile Form and start sharing now. We have a special post with image tips here.

If you are already a member, we encourage you to review your profile and update any content you think appropriate, and include images of new work. Click through to the Member Profile Form and start updating now.