Welcome to our February newsletter 2024.
… and what a lot of rain we have been getting this month….
Have you developed webbed feet yet!!
President’s Message
Hi everyone
Welcome to February, it’s been the warmest (and wettest) time…. hope you are all coping well.
Update on ACI business, we have had our planning meeting and enjoying the camaraderie in the team. I am personally very appreciative of all that my colleagues bring to the team; their skills, talents and experience.
We have been reworking our Business Plan to enable us to secure more grants in the future. We have set goals, revisited our mission statement and we have set our events and dates (some to be confirmed), so all is looking great for the year ahead. We have a supportive and skillful team, and are looking forward to the year ahead.
Open Studios is coming up fast with nearly 70 artists, galleries and co-operatives joining the event. Applications are now closed for this year, however if you missed out, why not think about getting involved next year. We had our first meeting this week at Equity Makers, Maroochydore…. lots shared, great ideas bounced around the room.
Lea Parkes is our Open Studios coordinator and has been working hard on securing sponsorship and connecting with community groups, as well as assisting artists and their applications. It will be a great event and we all look forward to participating. Big thank you to Lea!
The Model Rules have had some changes we are required to have and we are investigating how we implement them.
There will be an exhibition for 2D artists middle of the year, more details to come… Jane Ericksen is our coordinator, contact her on exhibitions@artsconnectinc.com.au for more info or if you would consider getting involved with the exhibitions team.
Sculpture on the Edge this year will not have a Director as such, Deb Weaver, is a committee member and will be the coordinator. Interested persons who would like to join the team being developed, please email sote@artsconnectinc.com.au for more information on how to be involved. The event this year which will be held at Flaxton Gardens again, 22 Nov – 1 December with more details to come.
We have had significant change in leadership and committee participation in recent years. We have now achieved a committee of committed volunteers to take the Arts Connect Inc organisation forward. The following three influencing pillars form the basis of the organisation that drive the activities needed to achieve our mission, these are briefly;
- Operations: (daily functioning of management committee and legal requirements we have to fulfil as a not for profit entity, sponsorships and partnerships with Sunshine Coast Arts Foundation, Sunshine Coast Council, Sunshine Coast Advisory Art Board and others.)
- Growth: (Workshops, training, resources, newsletters, social activities, membership, collaborations and more)
- Exhibitions: (2D, 3D painting and sculpting exhibitions, plus Open Studios).
ACI’s Vision: To establish and promote our region as a unique arts destination.
ACI’s Mission: To see artists grow in an environment that showcases their work to an appreciate and engaged community.
We are a work in progress and listening, if you have any thoughts, questions, please flick us an email.